If you're tired of not knowing what to believe when you read the news, then this is the most important video you'll watch.


 If you're tired of not knowing what to believe when you read the news, then this is the most important video you'll watch.

Here's a bunch of headlines from different topics.

You tell me which one is real and which one is fake. The first one says, "Man arrested for teaching his dog to bite people who don't wear masks." The second headline says, "The world's oldest woman has been eating 2 pounds of chocolate every week for the last 27 years." The third headline says, "A man was arrested for trying to sell his baby on eBay." Here are some common clickbait tactics that you should look out for: using emotive language, creating a sense of urgency, making exaggerated or misleading claims. These are all red flags that you should be looking out for when reading your news. If it seems too good to be true or too crazy to be true, it probably isn't.

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